Sunday, October 31, 2010

Name that movie!

Well, I thought that was going to be hard but apparently it was easy. The movie was the 1989 version of Batman. I have to say, Michael Keaton was definitely my favorite Batman but I do love seeing George Clooney in the spandex suit. I haven't seen the recent Batman movie with Heath Ledger as the Joker but I just love the pizazz that Jack Nicholson gives off... and the cheesy 80's music during the parade. Who do you trust?

Who's portrayal of the winged avenger was your favorite?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Name that movie!

Ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?

That's your movie quote for the day. Can you guess what movie? Don't think too hard because "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." ;) (That's a clue for the actor not the movie!) Who can get it first!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros - Home

It's the fall. In our household that means that Saturdays are dedicated to the Buckeyes and college football. Sundays is all NFL all the time (even if we are rooting for the Brownies despite their low percentage of taking home a win). Monday nights are again devoted to football as well. I get excited when football is over but then we get into college and professional basketball. Without cable I am a slave to Tim's television preferences because there's not much else on anyway.

What does this have to do with what I am listening to this week you ask? Well there is a very fun NFL commercial that plays on our television every week and the whistling at the beginning reels me in like a snake charmer and I find myself whistling it all day. There was just one problem, the song only lasts 30 seconds on the commercial. That's why God created google.

This is an amazing group! I LOVE this song!! It has been a great pick me up for a run as well as when I am burning the midnight oil studying. I think the neighbors have had enough of it but every week I see that commercial and I get excited all over again!

Enjoy! Go Browns!! ;)

Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros

Friday, October 15, 2010

Empire of the Ants

Well, one of the things we love most about Netflix is the crazy amount of cheesy Grade B or C (or even D) horror films that Netflix has available for instant viewing. Tim usually gets to choose the movie with my power of the veto if it just seems like we are going to be wasting time by watching a movie. Sometimes they seem like they could be really entertaining in the cheesiest way and at the end you are asking for your last 90 minutes back because you know you never will. Sometimes we don't even make it through the movie but it is fun playing Russian Roulette with these fantastically awful horror films.

Today's Netflix Friday movie is Empire of the Ants. It is supposedly an adaptation of H.G. Wells' Empire of the Ants. I am guessing they took a lot of creative interpretation with it since I have never read Empire of the Ants but it cannot be this bad! Released in 1977, it stars Joan Collins so we thought it had to be somewhat good. Hilariously entertaining? Yes. Feeding off my disain for insects which most certainly include disgusting ants? Yes. Cheese-tacular? Of course! A waste of our time? That's up for debate since Tim fell asleep. Good? Definitely not but a night full of our own mystery science theater commentating was perfect!

Here's the premise according to Netflix:

Vacationers on an isolated island find themselves at the mercy of voracious ants when a toxic spill turns the pests into rampaging, radioactive reprobates. Stumbling into the ants' creepy lair, a sleazy land developer (Joan Collins) and her clients are horrified to realize that the ants are having a human picnic. Seems these bugs are hell-bent on exterminating mankind and taking over the island. Can anyone stop them?

Watch it if you think you can stomach the giant ants and non-stop ant screeching!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

It's a girl!! x2

My beautiful sorority sister, Jessica, and her husband, Josh, a fraternity brother of Tim's, had twin girls today! I will say being a twin means that I have a special place in my heart for twins... and girls to boot! I can't share pictures of the girls because I haven't asked for permission but I can tell you they are beautiful and look like they are going to be spoiled rotten!

For a wedding gift Jess bought us the sewing machine that I registered for. Before we left to come home after the wedding I made Jess' girls, Tatum and Quinn, quilts (which you can see in the pictures). I have only made a quilt once before and I am certainly not an expert. I can't do all of the intricate sewing that most quilters can do but it was certainly a learning experience and a lot of fun!!

Lots of love and congrats to Jess and Josh on their new little ones!Love you, Beans!

Name that movie!

Well, we had a couple of answers on facebook and one here for what movie this song was from and they were all correct! This might have been a little too easy! Don't forget to post your answers here!!

There are so many great one-liners in the trailer!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Bobcat Battalion

This weekend, at OU's Parents' Weekend, Ryan took his commitment oath at Ohio University for the Army ROTC Bobcat Battalion. We could not be prouder of the amazing young man Ryan has become. He's very handsome too! Thankfully, mom and dad got to be there and took this picture of Ryan in one of his uniforms. Congrats Ryan, we love you!

Name that movie!

Anyone who knows me knows that movie trivia is like "my thing". I have entirely too much useless knowledge for my own good. Celeb trivia, movie, television; bring it on. Tim likes to do random one-liners that takes me months to figure out without any hints or clues. Mostly it's because they are movies I have never seen before or our slight age gap (because he's an old man ;) ) makes me a little slow on the uptake.

So here's today's trivia:

This song is a remake of a very classic song from 1956 by the sisters, Patience and Prudence, as well as by the Lennon Sisters from the Lawrence Welk Show.

Most importantly, the song, Tonight You Belong to Me, was used in an amazing 1979 comedy. This movie is definitely a favorite of ours!

What movie is this song from?

Hint: He was born a poor black child... (is that too easy?)

This version is from a duo called The Bird and the Bee.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Rilo Kiley - Breakin' up

LOVE this song! This is from the band Rilo Kiley and their 2007 album Under the Blacklight. I became a fan of Rilo Kiley when their song "Portions for Foxes" was on the Limited soundtrack a few years back. This song gets me pretty pumped when I am running. I also rocked out to her in the car on the way to and from my forum at LMU this weekend to get ready for the weekend.

Props for anyone who can tell me what 1980s classic the lead singer, Jenny Lewis, is from. It doesn't count if you google her but "what a thrill!" Hint. Hint. ;)

PS I want her legs so I can wear those short shorts!

Rilo Kiley live at the Boston Avalon September 2007

Are you an ally?

I AM. Today is National Coming Out Day. It is an internationally observed civil awareness day for coming out and discussion about gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender issues. I am sure you have seen this as several people's facebook statuses:

(Name) is a straight ally and today is National Coming Out Day. I'm coming out for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality because it's 2010 and you can still be fired from your job in 29 states for being lesbian, gay or bisexual and in 38 states for being transgender. Donate your status and join me by clicking here:

The video is a message from Ellen DeGeneres. Are you an ally?

Happy Birthday, Dad!

Sending a very happy birthday to Ohio for Dad's birthday today! I am so blessed to have an amazing father like you. We hope it is great!! There's is no greater dad in the world! I may be a little biased but for me it's the truth!

Some of the Sirpilla's at the North Canton 4th of July run.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

(Net)Flix Friday

Having movies instantly available on Netflix has been the most amazing development ever. We got rid of cable a little over a year ago (there may or may not have been an argument over the telephone with Time Warner about their service that prompted this cancellation) and watching netflix online through the television is amazing.

By no means are all of the available movies amazing masterpieces but they do entertain most weekend even if it is just to make fun of the movie!

In the case of So I Married an Axe Murderer this is a cult classic for me. Tim slept pretty much through the whole thing with his snoring as the soundtrack but I LOVE this movie. There are so many amazing one-liners and Mike Myers is hilarious doing double duty as the main character, Charlie, and Charlies Scottish father. If you haven't seen it yet you must!!

Some of my favorite lines are in the trailer but those here are some additional great ones!

Stuart Mackenzie: I'm not kidding, that boy's head is like Sputnik; spherical but quite pointy at parts! Now that was offside, wasn't it? He'll be crying himself to sleep tonight, on his huge pillow.

Charlie Mackenzie: Hey Mom, I find it interesting that you refer to the Weekly World News as, "The paper." The paper contains facts.
May Mackenzie: This paper contains facts. And this paper has the eighth highest circulation in the whole wide world. Right? Plenty of facts. "Pregnant man gives birth." That's a fact.

For more quotes visit IMDB

Saturday, October 9, 2010

A Survivor's Story

For the past 3 days I have been at a forum offered (and required for my program) by Loyola Marymount University and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington DC. The program has been filled with amazing speakers Thursday and Friday (I'm not going to lie I was a little bored and pooped out yesterday) and today we closed off the forum with a survivor testimony.

The entire forum was amazing but this took it over the top. Henry, a Polish survivor, came and spoke about his 5+ years that ranged from being placed in a Polish ghetto at age 11 (almost 12), to a slave labor camp, to Auschwitz-Birkenau, and finally to the death march that eventually led to his liberation by American troops at the age of 17. He weighed only 70 pounds at the time of his liberation and the holocaust took the lives of his mother, 3 sisters and nieces and nephews. The only survivors were his 2 brother and his sister (who was already in America before the start of the war).

 His story drew silence in a room full of chatty teachers for nearly an hour. He was so engaging it felt as though time flew by. I barely moved for fear that my distraction and wiggling would force me to miss something in his testimony. I got to have my picture taken with him (an honor not everyone in the room did, surprisingly) and gave him a great big hug, a heartfelt hand shake, and a thank you for telling his story.It truly was an honor seeing him speak today. As time goes on I realize that not everyone will get the opportunity to hear a survivor's story in person. Henry left his enthralled audience (full of teachers) with the thought that teachers are essential to keeping his and other survivors' stories alive. The most beautiful thing about meeting him was that he was so incredibly friendly, humorous, sweetest and a little bit sassy (there could be a lunch date if I go to DC) despite all the obstacles that had shaped his development as a human being. Truly humbling.

If you would like to hear Henry's story he speaks at the USHMM in DC every Friday (amazing for an 82 year old!). You can also read his story at and see his podcast on his attempted escape from the slave labor camp at

It was a beautiful end to the week on campus and I made great new friends (one's even a DG and I am going to snap her up to advise with me!)

BEAUTIFUL day on campus!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Just for Fun

If Grover were going to audition for the Old Spice commercial this would be his submission. And it's all because he smells like a monster and knows the word "on".

LOVE this. You can see it again on youtube here! What do you think? I literally laughed out loud!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

One Egg Banana Bread

This is one of the yummiest and, most importantly, easiest recipes for banana bread. It literally took me less than 10 minutes from mixing bowl to the oven. And it's even easier when I get to use our new Kitchen Aid mixer!!

  • 3 large bananas , well mashed (I usually freeze my bananas before they spoil and then thaw them while I prepare the rest of the ingredients, then mash)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 stick of butter, melted
  • 1 1/2 cup of flour
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda 
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (or to taste because I like it a little sweeter!)
  • 1 cup nuts or chocolate chips, optional
Mix all ingredients in a mixing bowl; put into a well greased loaf pan. Bake at 350° for about 60 minutes, or until a knife inserted in middle comes out clean. Let cool slightly before serving.

Tim and I love a small sliver with a little scoop of ice cream at night or in the morning as mini muffins on our way out the door.

I used fresh bananas tonight but usually my frozen bananas are much browner.
Love orange!!

First time mixing in mini chocolate chips. Delicious!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Teacher Tim

Tim is an amazing teacher. He is modest to this fact but every classroom I am substitute teacher in at least 1 student tells me that Tim is their favorite teacher. Whenever I walk into his lab there is always a student in there working with him for deeper understanding. He is most definitely a role model for me as a teacher. I would have loved a teacher like Tim in high school. :)

*Note: A student took the video. What fell from the ceiling at the end is the match from being shot out of the bottle.

What's on my ipod?

Now that the weather has finally started to cool down I am running outside again. I ran all summer long in preparation for the wedding and then stopped and I actually missed it. Not something I thought I would ever say. If I want to run a half marathon in February I better kick it into gear!  I hope to share some new, old and new to me songs with you!

Here's a new song on my ipod. I first heard it chaperoning Delta Gamma's semi-formal. It's the radio edit of the song for 2 reasons: I'm kind of a prude for some words (not that I don't say the word I just don't broadcast it across the worldwide web) and I want to keep the blog "clean". Enjoy!

Cee Lo - Forget you