Having movies instantly available on Netflix has been the most amazing development ever. We got rid of cable a little over a year ago (there may or may not have been an argument over the telephone with Time Warner about their service that prompted this cancellation) and watching netflix online through the television is amazing.
By no means are all of the available movies amazing masterpieces but they do entertain most weekend even if it is just to make fun of the movie!
In the case of So I Married an Axe Murderer this is a cult classic for me. Tim slept pretty much through the whole thing with his snoring as the soundtrack but I LOVE this movie. There are so many amazing one-liners and Mike Myers is hilarious doing double duty as the main character, Charlie, and Charlies Scottish father. If you haven't seen it yet you must!!
Some of my favorite lines are in the trailer but those here are some additional great ones!
Stuart Mackenzie: I'm not kidding, that boy's head is like Sputnik; spherical but quite pointy at parts! Now that was offside, wasn't it? He'll be crying himself to sleep tonight, on his huge pillow.
Charlie Mackenzie: Hey Mom, I find it interesting that you refer to the Weekly World News as, "The paper." The paper contains facts.
May Mackenzie: This paper contains facts. And this paper has the eighth highest circulation in the whole wide world. Right? Plenty of facts. "Pregnant man gives birth." That's a fact.
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